
Nordheim Shooting Club is located in Nordheim, Texas. If you are not familiar with Nordheim, Texas, it is located seven miles west of Yorktown near the Karnes county line in western DeWitt County. It is a German community that was established in 1895 as a siding, known as Weldon Switch, on the San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway. It is also the site where parts of the movie Paris, Texas, was filmed in 1984. As part of the area's predominantly German heritage and community, the Nordheim Shooting Club was formed from the Nordheim Fortschritt Verein (Progress Club) which was organized in 1897 and the Nordheim Scheutzen Verein (Shooting Club) which was formed in 1902. The two organizations were merged in 1927 under the name Nordheim Shooting Club. The organization provides entertainment and community activities for a large rural area.
- Information from the Handbook of Texas
- Information from the Handbook of Texas

To keep our heritage and history alive, the Nordheim Shooting Club actively has events to try to keep the hall in running order. Many members volunteer their time and hard work in order to keep it open for everyone to enjoy. The proceeds that are made from events go back into the hall for repair and maintenence.
Every year Nordheim Shooting Club has it's annual May Feast. This year it is on May 15-17 and includes remote control pull, minirod truck and tractor pull, hotrod truck and tractor pull, barbecue cook-off, craft booths and a dance on Saturday night.
Every year Nordheim Shooting Club has it's annual May Feast. This year it is on May 15-17 and includes remote control pull, minirod truck and tractor pull, hotrod truck and tractor pull, barbecue cook-off, craft booths and a dance on Saturday night.
For more information about the hall feel free to contact us at info@nordheimshootingclub.com or call (361) 935-6306.